
How Much Is A Cup Of Coffee 2021

The Price of a Cup of Java Around the World

Some Starbucks prices might look better by comparison.

Tehran, Iran

  • A loving cup of java costs: $0.46
  • How to say "coffee" in Farsi: ق هوه Ghahvé

It's difficult to imagine you can beverage a loving cup of java for less than a dollar, simply y'all tin can, if y'all can travel all the way to Tehran, Islamic republic of iran. At that place, a cup will toll you less than 50 cents, in fact, according to the Global Coffee Report. Recently, Iranians have become obsessed with the nighttime bitter Turkish coffee, every bit well, preferring something a little more than intense than regular brew, co-ordinate to Daily Sabah.

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Lagos, Nigeria

  • A loving cup of coffee costs: $0.62
  • How to say "coffee" in Yoruba: kọfi

Africa may be the origin of java — historians believe information technology started in Ethiopia — but for a long time, Africa has produced more coffee than it consumed. That appears to be changing. While still lower than in other countries, coffee consumption in Nigeria increased by over 20% from 2010 to 2015. Bigger cities like Lagos are seeing more need for information technology as well.

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Cairo, Egypt

  • A cup of coffee costs: $i.36
  • How to say "coffee" in Arabic: qahwa

In Egypt, historians believe drinking coffee may have mystical roots. Egyptians announced to accept begun drinking coffee because of Sufi Islamic mystics, who used it in prayer ceremonies. Nowadays, typical Egyptian coffee is made similar to Turkish coffee: strong, in a small cup and capped by a layer of foam, known as "the face up." If your coffee has no face, it hasn't been made properly. You also want to be sure to mention how sweet you lot similar your coffee because it's unremarkably prepared with sugared h2o.

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • A cup of coffee costs: $1.58
  • How to say "coffee" in Malay: kopi

Malaysians take started making coffee drinking a greater function of their local lifestyles, visiting coffee shops that sell specialty coffee roasts. Specialty java is a designation past the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), referring to green java beans that achieve the best flavor co-ordinate to a set of brewing standards. The Malaysians also put on The Malaysia Coffee Fest. In 2018, more thirty,000 visitors from all over the region came to sample java and participated in three java competitions: the Malaysia Open up Latte Art Championship, the Barista Championship and the first Drip Purse Coffee Title.

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  • A cup of coffee costs: $i.98
  • How to say "coffee" in Vietnamese: cà phê đen (pronounced "kah-fey-dehn")

In the Southeast Asian country of Vietnam, which is the second-largest exporter of coffee in the world, according to The Ladders, yous can get your coffee at a sweet cost and sweetly flavored. A loving cup of coffee is merely about $i.98 a cup, only the traditional fashion to drink information technology is filtered and and so with added sweetened condensed milk. Yous can accept this concoction hot or iced.

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Botswana, Africa

  • A cup of coffee costs: $two.49
  • How to say "coffee" in Tswana: Kofi

Coffee is so popular in the African state of Botswana that it has taken the place of alcohol in many social gatherings, according to All Africa. Botswana is likewise ane of the more than expensive African countries to buy coffee in. In Gabarone, the capital city, a loving cup of coffee runs most $2.49 per loving cup.

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Vilnius, Lithuania

  • A cup of coffee costs: $ii.54
  • How to say "java" in Lithuanian: kava

Lithuania has non become equally coffee obsessed as other parts of the earth. Simply when Lithuanians do drinkable java, they want it to be prepared well — no instant coffee or overly sugared drinks for them. It wasn't until 2013, supposedly, that the first truly local coffee was always consumed in Lithuania, when a human named Ignas Dombrauskis harvested coffee beans from a tree that was grown in Lithuania. Since and then, coffee passion has increased, simply it's still a wearisome simmering process; y'all won't detect any Starbucks in the country.

Mexico City, United mexican states

  • A cup of coffee costs: $two.58
  • How to say "coffee" in Castilian: café

Ranked as one of the major coffee producers of the world, Americans have United mexican states to thank for the vast majority of coffee they consume. Mexicans adopt to drink their coffee at dejeuner or dinner, unlike the morning routine so mutual in the states. They as well like to indulge in java cocktails, in which tequila and other liquors are added to blackness java. Mexico was also at the forefront of cultivating organic coffee in the late 1980s.

Brussels, Belgium

  • A cup of coffee costs: $two.90
  • How to say "coffee" in Dutch: koffie
  • How to say "coffee" in French: café

According to a 2018 survey, the heaviest coffee drinkers in Kingdom of belgium are the older folks — over age 50 — 17% of whom reported they drink equally many as 6 or more cups per solar day. The Americano remains the nearly popular type of coffee drink overall, though people 35 years sometime and younger are more likely to savour lattes than the older oversupply. What information technology lacks in java drinkers, Belgium makes upward for in imports. It is the third-largest importer of green coffee beans in Europe, in line behind Germany and Italy.

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Lima, Peru

  • A cup of java costs: $3.05
  • How to say "coffee" in Quechua: kaphiy

Peruvians might be also decorated producing coffee to consume it. The country was the 11th-largest producer of java in the globe as of 2018, which accounts for 2% of the world'due south java. Most of the java is grown on modest farms in the Andes Mountains, and information technology'south typically manus-picked by indigenous farmers, who are unlikely to exist able to afford the coffee they pick. Tourists flock to towns similar Lima for its food civilisation, which has impacted coffee civilisation as well.

Auckland, New Zealand

  • A cup of coffee costs: $three.13
  • How to say "coffee" in Maori: kawhe

New Zealanders like their java, but they lean toward espresso, smaller sizes and more than concentrated coffee drinks. New Zealand has been identified equally the pioneer of a potable that only recently reared its head at Starbucks in the concluding few years: the "apartment white." A flat white is similar to a latte, but the milk is less frothy and more textured (thus "apartment"), and it'south served in a smaller cup so it has a more intense java flavour. You'll also notice a "long blackness" in New Zealand — a unmarried espresso with equal parts hot water served in a large cup — which is a smaller, more intense cousin of the Americano.

Santiago, Chile

  • A loving cup of coffee costs: $3.39
  • How to say "coffee" in Castilian: café

While the rest of the world may be coffee crazy, Republic of chile has been slow to get on board with the obsession. Influenced heavily by English language colonialism, many people are all the same tea drinkers. As of 2015, Nescafé and instant coffee largely dominated people's coffee habits. In fact, approximately 90% of the population chose instant java as their coffee of option. All the same, Chile is known for a sexy spin on coffee shops — in Santiago, there are many café con piernas, which means "coffee with legs" in Spanish. Here, your coffee is served by women in short dresses or even bikinis.

Tokyo, Nippon

  • A loving cup of coffee costs: $3.47
  • How to say "java" in Japanese: コーヒー, Kōhī

Despite Japan'south long history of tea — much like China — the Japanese have been regularly drinking coffee since the early 1900s. Long earlier Starbucks or Peet's Coffee, at that place was The Paulista Group, in 1907 , which brought coffee to the masses. However, even further back than that, Nippon'southward first java store of record, Kachiichakan, in Tokyo, was reportedly f ounded in 1888 . Specialty coffee shops, known equally kissatens,  are popular for their retro styling that throws it back to the 1950s and '60s. The barista might exist wearing a bow necktie, and you're likely to get cascade-over drip java rather than anything with a fancy name or lots of added syrups.

Dublin, Ireland

  • A cup of coffee costs: $three.59
  • How to say "coffee" in Gaelic: caife

Ireland is experiencing a "tertiary wave" of coffee being part of the daily routine of Irish civilisation. The first wave was coffee, including instant, only purchased at the supermarket. The second wave took place when Starbucks and a European concatenation, Costa, came to the country. Now, its 3rd moving ridge features trendy, small coffee shops that emphasize hand-crafted, specialty coffee — although the practiced old-fashioned Americano is on the ascension in popularity. A survey from 2017 plant that one in iii Irish people now purchase coffee at least once a day, upwardly 10% from the previous year.

Oslo, Norway

  • A cup of coffee costs: $3.88
  • How to say "coffee" in Norwegian: kaffe

For a country that lives with very long stretches of dark during the winter, java is a large deal. Kingdom of norway ranks No. 2 when it comes to countries that drink the most coffee. In the years earlier big chain coffee shops like Starbucks, virtually Norwegians consumed their java at dwelling only, though that has changed. Norwegians are said to prefer their coffee light-roasted and steeped in a pot, "cowboy way," for a thicker, oilier cup of java.

Athens, Hellenic republic

  • A cup of coffee costs: $3.98
  • How to say "coffee" in Greek: kafés

Greece ranks 17th amongst countries that consume the nigh coffee. Greek coffee shops technically serve Turkish coffee, an intensely concentrated delicacy that originates from neighboring Turkey. Merely they don't telephone call information technology that — it'southward a "Greek coffee" or Elliniko kafés — e'er since 1974, when an attempted insurrection and attempted Turkish invasion led to anti-Turk sentiments. Some people besides believe the Greeks invented the Freddo cappuccino and the Freddo espresso in 1993. Nevertheless, this invention is questionable — most likely, the extremely hot weather condition of a Greek summertime merely forced the demand for ice in every coffee drink.

Tel Aviv, State of israel

  • A cup of coffee costs: $four.09
  • How to say "coffee" in Hebrew: קפה kafeh

Ever since the 1950s, when Mordechai Shor began manufacturing the first Israeli espresso motorcar, called "La Favorita," Israeli java culture has boomed. Though Israel shares obvious Middle Eastern connections, Israelis enjoy coffee that is closer to European, particularly Italian, coffee culture. Despite ascent interest in coffee, Starbucks has been unable to hold its own in Israel, endmost down its simply two locations that lasted from 2001 to 2003. In its place, an Israeli coffee chain chosen Cofix has had significant success.

Jakarta, Indonesia

  • A loving cup of coffee costs: $iv.10
  • How to say "coffee" in Indonesian: kopi

Indonesia is one of the biggest java exporters in the globe — it ranked fourth in 2017 — only its residents take simply started to take up a regular practice of coffee drinking in recent years. Given that Indonesia is responsible for growing kopi luwak, considered the world's near expensive coffee, a hot cup is notwithstanding relatively affordable. Though small "kopi" shops continue to popular up, Starbucks leads the coffee railroad train, with over 326 locations in Indonesia every bit of 2018.

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Paris, France

  • A loving cup of coffee costs: $4.13
  • How to say "coffee" in French: café

Paris is famous for its quaint cafés, such as Les Deux Magots, where literati similar Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir once sipped and discussed politics and existential philosophy. However, it is not necessarily known for its quality coffee. The well-nigh common coffee of choice in France is un café, but a shot of espresso. The French are less likely to drinkable big frothy lattes only do drink café au lait, literally coffee with steamed milk, or café crème, espresso plus steamed milk topped with foam, in the afternoons.

Moscow, Russia

  • A cup of coffee costs: $4.31
  • How to say "java" in Russian: kāfēi

The Cold War may be over betwixt America and Russia, but the hot coffee war is manifestly on. Thanks to a steep increase in Russian java consumption — from $750 million in 2001 to $2.5 billion in 2011 — Russians' demand for American-style coffee spurred the former Russian Prime number Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, to call the potable the Americano — a shot of espresso topped with hot h2o — "not politically right." He suggested it be called a "Russiano," and, while this may have been a joke, many java shops replaced it on their menus. Another choice is the less natural language-in-cheek but still popular drink called the "Raf"– short for Rafael, a Moscow coffee patron who allegedly invented the potable. The drink is steamed heavy cream with sugar and a shot of espresso.

Shanghai, China

  • A loving cup of coffee costs: $4.60
  • How to say "coffee" in Chinese: 咖啡, Kāfēi

For thousands of years, tea  has been the hot drink of selection in Cathay. Coffee merely became a growing industry in the late 1980s , when the Chinese authorities fabricated a concerted effort to shore up its coffee industr y with help from the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program. For a long time, the Chinese were content to sip instant java, simply thanks to Starbucks , as well as m illennials , more complex java drinks are on the ascent in China.


  • A cup of coffee costs: $4.64
  • How to say "coffee" in Swiss: Kaffi or Kàffe

Coffee is an important part of social culture in Switzerland, which is influenced by German, Italian and French cultures. The Swiss savour espresso-based forms of the hot drinkable, particularly the "caffè crema," something similar an Americano (essentially hot water added to espresso), which has an Italian influence.

Co-ordinate to World Atlas, the  Swiss drink an average of iii cups of coffee every day, which can add up.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • A loving cup of coffee costs: $5.70
  • How to say "coffee" in Arabic: qahwa

Coffee is not only a popular part of Middle Eastern hospitality — it's typically consumed thick and dark and with spices similar cardamom — but these countries may have been among the outset cultures to swallow information technology. Coffee is almost as popular in the United Arab Emirates equally it is in the U.S., but challenges with brewing it, such as poor water quality from desalinization and thinner cow's milk, may contribute to its steep price.

Copenhagen, Denmark

  • A cup of coffee costs: $6.24
  • How to say "coffee" in Danish: kaffe

Perhaps it's those chilly winters in the Scandinavian country of Denmark, only the Danes rank fourth in countries that drink the nearly coffee in the earth. Notwithstanding, don't look to detect any decaf; the Scandinavians prefer their coffee fully loaded. Could their coffee consumption have to practise with the fact that they've been rated the happiest land in the world, according to the Earth Happiness Report? It seems possible.

    South korea

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